Like a bank, we offer checking, savings, credit cards, loans, investments, and insurance; but, unlike a bank, 我们的利润以减少费用的形式返还给会员, higher savings rates, and lower loan rates. 这就是作为一个非盈利的会员制信用合作社的好处.
42% HigherAverage Cash Account Balance3vs. the industry average
31% Higher平均投资帐户余额3vs. the industry average
Improve Employee Engagement
As a 2024年印第安纳州最佳工作地点, Elements Financial坚信工作场所文化对员工敬业度的重要性和影响. 如果你的公司文化注重员工敬业度,那么与Elements合作可能是一个非常合适的选择. 我们的现场研讨会和活动非常受员工欢迎和高度评价. 我们专注于使研讨会参与,同时建立强大的关系,支持我们的成员的财务成功. 我们自豪地被评为印第安纳州最佳工作场所13次.
2 Competitive Values are estimated by comparing historical savings and lending rates at Elements Financial and at the five banks and credit unions with the largest market share in Central Indiana; data valid as of 9/30/2022.