How do I know if refinancing my mortgage makes sense?
你可以降低你的利率或减少偿还贷款的剩余时间. 再融资也可以是房屋改善或债务整合的有用工具,因为你可以在再融资过程中获得一次性现金支付.
- Switch from an adjustable rate to a 固定利率 mortgage
- 从一种类型的可调利率贷款改为另一种,以降低你的月供
- Reduce your interest rate and your monthly payment
- Build equity faster by shortening the term of your 贷款 to 15 or 20 years
To determine if refinancing makes sense to you, 将您当前的抵押贷款利率和期限与本页顶部列出的利率和条款进行比较. 确定成交费和其他相关费用也很重要, 比如房屋估价, will be to make sure you will actually come out ahead in the long run.